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Monografía (UCJ8018 / )
Código de Pedido:
910.4  NIE  1744 
Voyages and travels into Brasil and the East Indies; their provinces, cities, living creatures, and products; the manners, customs, habits, and religion of the inhabitans with a particular account of all the remarcable passages that happened during the author's stay of nine years in Brasil; specially in relation to the revolt of the portugueses, and the intestine war carried on there from 1640 to 1649. As also a most ample description of the most famous city of Batavia in the East Indies. Both adorned with copper plates, done after the life. Translated from the dutch original. The true travels, adventures and observations of captain John Smith, into Europe, Asia, Africa and America from Anno Dom. 1593, to 1629. Two journals: the first kept by seven sailers in Greenland; the second kept by seven other sailers at Spitzbergen, in the years 1633 and 1634. A true and short account of forty two persons who perished by shipwreck near Spitzbergen in the year 1646. An account of Iseland sent to monsieur de la Mothe de Vayer. A short journal of seven other seamen, who being left in 1634 at Spitzbergen, to pafs the Winter, died there in 1635. An account of Greenland, sent to monsieur de la Mothe de Vayer. Captain Thomas James's strange and dangerous voyage in his intended discovery of the north west passage into the south sea, in the years 1631 and 1632. Wherein the miseries indured, both going, wintering, returning, and the rarities obferved, both philisophical and mathematical, are related at large. Published by his majesty's command. To which are added a plat or card for the failing in those seas: also divers litle tables of the author's of the variation of the compass, etc. With an appendix concerning longitude, By Mr. Henry Gellibrand, astronomy reader of Gresham College, London and an advice concerning the philosophy of these late discoveries, By W. W. Printed for Henry Lintot, and John Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Paternoster Row. An account of two voyages: the first, of Feodor Iskowitz Backhoff, the muscovite envoy, into China. The second, of Mr. Zachary Wagener, a native of Dresden in Misnia, thro'a great part of the world, as also in China. Translated from the high dutch original printed at Berlin. Printed for Henry Lintot and John Osborn, at the Golden Bal in Paternoster Row. The history of the life and actions of Adm. Christopher Columbus, and of his discovery of the West Indies, call'd the New World, now in possession of his catholic majesty. Written by his own Son D. Ferdinan Columbus. Pyramidographia: or, a description of the pyramids in Egypt. By John Greaves, professor of astronomy in the Univerfity of Oxford. A discourse of the roman foot and Denarius: from whence, as from from two principles, the measures and weights used by the ancients may be deduced. An account of Cochinchina in two parts. The first treats of the temporal state of that Kingdom. The second, of the spiritual.
Collection of Voyages and Travels, II.
Datos de publicación:
Henry Lintot and John Osborn, Londres, Reino Unido.  3a. ed.
743 p. Libro en InglésLatín.

Monografía (UCJ8771 / )
Código de Pedido:
CH866  QUE  2004 
Pablo Neruda. Epistolario viajero 1927-1973. Selección, estudio preliminar y notas de Abraham Quezada Vergara.
Datos de publicación:
Ril editores, Santiago, Chile.  1a. ed.
251 p. Libro en Español.
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